December 14, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

Yesterday I decided to juice all of the lemons off of our little lemon tree. We had a bumper crop this year, I just didn't realize how many lemons we had. The picture above is only a very small portion of the lemons we had. We peeled them before juicing this year as the juice is less bitter. I froze over a dozen ice cube trays and probably a dozen gallon baggies of juice! I am going to make some homemade lemon tarts and pies for the neighbors for X-mas. I also am planning on making some strawberry lemonade this summer. We also made about three gallons of lemonade yesterday, some of which I gave away to my niece. My husband and brother helped me out with the lemons and we laughed as my husband said I would be bathing in lemon juice before it was over with!

Without going into a lot of detail, tonight I came home and my brother was gone, hanging with some friend and I am assuming the worst. My son called and I asked him if he could stay somewhere tonight so that my husband and I could have a night alone, which he obliged. Several years ago, I would have gone looking for my brother or been very upset wondering what was going to happen next, was he going to be walking the cold streets talking to traffic, using meth to quiet the voices? Now, I just stepped back and realized it is not up to me what happens next and it doesn't matter right now, the only thing that mattered was I needed a nice hot shower and my husband's company. So I guess when life hands you lemons, we can just make lemonade:)


ChaiLatte said...

I love lemons! I wish I was your neighbor! : ) And, your last paragraph... can I just say that your recovery is shining through?! Awesome.

Bar L. said...

those came off a "little" lemon tree!!!!!! We have a lemon tree too but ours isn't as productive as yours :) I love lemon anything!

Good for you for your healthy attitude about your brother tonight, not easy, but good for you. Hope you and your man enjoyed the evening alone.

Chic Mama said...

That's a lot of lemons. It's so satisfying making food/drink from something you've grown. Enjoy the distraction and I hope your brother turns up alleviating your worries. xx

Anonymous :) said...

Absolutely beautiful. It is so awesome when you change. Like you, we used to react, never knowing how we would be spending a night because it depended on the behavior of others. We could think we were going to chill out. Next thing you know, we'd be worried, driving around, looking, praying. When we stopped reacting and continued our evening plans, it was quite a transition. Now, let's pray that your brother and your son are touched by God in all their circumstances. Love the lemondade analogy.

Unknown said...

yes, we certainly CAN !!

Lou said...

I love watching the growth here in blogland (you wouldn't believe my first 6 months of posts--it was ALL reacting, freaking out, etc).
No one is perfect, and our hearts will always want to protect our families. But we can learn what really helps them, not what hurts them in the long run.
Spending quality time will help you and your husband make better decsions together, because two are stronger than one.

Syd said...

Awesome that you found a solution. And that you took care of yourself and made some lemonade too. You rock.